Family Circus

My middle daughter, Mandy, and her daughter, Piper, were both born on April 8. (They were also born in the same hospital.) About two weeks ago, Happy stuck his head in my office and said, "I just saw a Groupon for flying trapeze lessons. Do you think they'd want to do that for their birthdays?" 

Um, Yeah.

So today these two headed out to Trapeze Austin to cash in their vouchers and take to the air. And the experience did not disappoint. Of course the paparazzi had to tag along (yours truly.)

Happy and I got there just as they were about to try what I'll call the transfer trick. In order for the "catcher" to be able to get a good grip, she had to put chalk all over her forearms. Here's my fearless [almost] seven year old getting ready and heading up the ladder.

Piper wasn't able to make the jump, but she got really really close. I am incredibly proud and impressed that she so fearlessly flung herself at the sky. Mandy said when they asked who wanted to go first, she started walking to the front while raising her hand. 

Piper's mom, however, is ready for the circus. She completed the transfer like a boss. Wow.

Next, Piper practiced tucking her feet in and swinging from her legs again, and Mandy learned how to do aerial splits. And by learn I mean she simulated it once on the practice bar and then climbed up and did it perfectly the first time. 

This place not only gives aerial lessons, it's a stunt camp. There was a kid having a birthday party while we were there, and an explosion happened during Mandy's first run. 

Happy brought the GoPro we got for Christmas and videoed it. Here's one run apiece. Mandy and Piper both loved the experience and will definitely be going back to do it again. We would highly recommend Trapeze Austin. 

Happy Birthday, girls!